This letter from Paul was read and discussed by the Philippian church. Clarification was sought, as well as how to apply these truths to daily living. This letter is about JOY Jesus, Others, and You. We are to be gracious and merciful all people, believers and unbelievers alike. Jesus was humble and loved us enough to pay for our sin.… Read more →
July 26-August 1, 2020
We welcome you to worship with us. Now that the safer at home ban has been lifted, we are meeting in our building for our services. We request that if you have any symptoms of illness you protect yourself and others by staying home until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours. Our seating has been rearranged for… Read more →
July 19-25, 2020
We welcome you to worship with us. Now that the safer at home ban has been lifted, we are meeting in our building for our services. We request that if you have any symptoms of illness you protect yourself and others by staying home until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours. Our seating has been rearranged for… Read more →
July 12-18, 2020
We welcome you to worship with us. Now that the safer at home ban has been lifted, we are meeting in our building for our services. We request that if you have any symptoms of illness you protect yourself and others by staying home until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours. Our seating has been rearranged for… Read more →
July 5-11, 2020
We welcome you to worship with us. Now that the safer at home ban has been lifted, we are meeting in our building for our services. We request that if you have any symptoms of illness you protect yourself and others by staying home until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours. Our seating has been rearranged for… Read more →