November 28, 2021 Revelation 11:1-13 The Great Spiritual Battle

In 2020, the Ecuadorian volcano Sangay erupted. The BBC described the “dark ash plume which reached a height of more than 39,000 feet.” The discharge covered four provinces (about 198,000 acres) in gray ash and grimy soot. The sky turned dingy and grim, and the air was thick—making it difficult to breathe. Farmer Feliciano Inga described the unnerving scene to El… Read more →

November 14, 2021 Revelation 11:1-6 “The Gathering”

A student in Bible School was confused when his theology professor began a series of lectures on Bible prophecy properly called “eschatology”. The professor taught through the three differing positions that Christians hold to: pre-millennialism, a-millennialism, and post-millennialism. Then he taught about the three differing Christian views of the rapture of the church, pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, and post-tribulation. Finally, the professor… Read more →