Category: message highlights

February 23, 2020 Hebrews 12:18-29 “A Mountain of Grace”

The Hebrew Christians were being taunted by their estranged relatives, friends, co-workers, synagogue and governmental rulers.  These relationships despised the Hebrew Christians for leaving the historic Jewish religion.  As they followed Jesus Christ they heard discordant voices telling them; “you’re on the wrong path, you are headed away from Sinai and Jerusalem, you have left your heritage in Abraham and… Read more →

February 9, 2020 “Training For The Race That Is Set Before Us” Hebrews 12:4-13

Have you heard about the mechanic who accidentally drank from a brake fluid can and really liked the taste and then drank the rest of the bottle? One of his co-workers caught him taking a swig of brake fluid the next day. “Man, that stuff will kill you,” said his friend, “you’ve got to give it up.” “Don’t worry,” the… Read more →

February 2, 2020 Hebrews 12:1-3 “ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO”

The late Bear Bryant coached the University of Alabama football team from 1958 to 1982. In one game, with under two minutes to play, he called on his slow-but-steady, fourth string quarterback to finish the game. Bryant instructed him with a quarterback keep play and run the ball up the middle and then they would punt. However, the new quarterback… Read more →

January 5, 2020 “Bold by Faith” Hebrews 11:23-31

Miss Jones had the distinction of being the oldest resident in a small Midwest town. When she died, the funeral director wanted to publish an obituary in the local paper.  Except he couldn’t find anything to write about her.  Miss Jones had never had a public record. Never married nor had any children. Neither had she accomplished anything significant in… Read more →