Category: message highlights

May 17, 2020 Philippians 1:27-30 “A Radiant Reputation”

In 2013 a European horsemeat scandal broke, Great Britain’s Food Standards Agency closed a slaughterhouse and a processing plant after investigators found horse carcasses had been used to make beef burgers and kebabs. A month later, the parent company of IKEA which is a giant Swedish meat company was charged in another food labeling scandal as authorities said they had… Read more →

March 29, 2020 “A Life Transformation” Hebrews 13:10-16

Joanne Weil describes the time her young son asked what was the highest number she had ever counted to. She didn’t know, but she asked about his highest number. It was 5,372. “Oh,” she said. “Why did you stop there?” “Church was over,” he replied. (Mike and Amy Nappa, Bore No More! Group Publishing, p. 7; We are ending… Read more →

March 22, 2020 Psalm 62:5-12 “The Theology of Tomorrow”

Last week was a new normal with big changes not just in our town, state or country, but in the world.  Each day seems to bring more news and announcements affecting our everyday lives. For myself, each new piece of news directly effects our church.  Limit gatherings of 250….okay we are safe to assemble.  Limit gatherings to 50….I think we… Read more →