Years ago, we went to a theme park when my son Kent was younger. There was a roller coaster ride that he really wanted to ride. There was one problem, all riders had to measure up to a minimum height and Kent was a fraction too short. He was so close yet not to be denied so we placed paper… Read more →
Category: message highlights
Hebrews 4:14-5:10 The Greatest High Priest June 2, 2019
Chapter 4 records three wonderful gifts that God made available to the Hebrew Christians who were enduring unfair treatment and cruel hatred. God offered His rest which brought peace in difficult times. God gave His Word that is sharper than any sword that constantly operated in their lives to bring healing. And Jesus became The Great High Priest who sympathized… Read more →
May 19, 2019 Hebrews 4:1-13 “The Rest of the Story”
When we think of “resting” what images comes to mind? Sleeping late in on a lazy Saturday morning? Spending an unhurried afternoon on the lake? Grilling burgers with some friends? Perhaps making a leisurely drive through the country side and spending an overnight at a cozy cabin? All of those idyllic images are characterized by low stress, no pressure, reduced… Read more →
May 5, 2019 Hebrews 3:1-19 “Jesus, Moses, Others and Me”
There’s a whole book in the New Testament written to people who are tempted to turn away from Christ. The original readers of Hebrews were Jewish people that either simply followed Jesus because of His popularity or fully embraced Jesus Christ personally. Their faith in Christ ostracized them from their families. Some of them lost their jobs. Most of them… Read more →
April 21, 2019 “Because He Lives” I Corinthians 15:1-11
There are times when we have news that we want to share and we just can’t wait to tell someone! My wife Lori spent time with our family last weekend for a bridal shower and found out that four of our nieces were all expecting babies this fall within a few short days of each other! It was happy news… Read more →
April 14, 2019 “The Significance of Salvation” Hebrews 2:6-18
In chapter 2 the writer of Hebrews issues a warning “how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation.” The people that he writes to are warned since they are tempted to turn back to Judaism. The temptation is because of the hostility around them and the mounting persecution from Nero. The tensions left the believers lonely and… Read more →
April 7, 2019 Hebrews 1:4-2:4 “The Master of Messengers”
In 2018 the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency issued the warning: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” While it turned out to be a false alarm, it took the agency 38 minutes to send a follow-up alert correcting the error. Why did it take so long? Hawaii’s governor, David Ige, reported that he… Read more →
March 31, 2019 “Stop and Smell the Roses” Hebrews 2:3-12
As part of a perception project arranged by The Washington Post, a man emerged from the Metro train in Washington, DC. He positioned himself against a wall beside a trashcan. He was a normal looking white male in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt, and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. He removed a violin from a small case. He placed the open… Read more →
March 24, 2019 “The Word” Hebrews 1:1-4
r A man worked very hard to win a certain lady’s affection. She lived in his neighborhood; and every week for 42 years, the shy, but persistent suitor slipped a love letter under her door. All was fine until they had had a fight, and then for years she simply refused to talk or acknowledge him. Afterward he wrote 2,184… Read more →
March 17, 2019 “Resurrection Results” Mark 16:1-20
I want to share this story to help you to imagine the mystery and delight of not just hearing, but seeing the resurrection of Jesus for the first time, almost as an eyewitness. Over twenty years ago, missionaries had shown a tribe in the jungles of East Asia The Jesus Film. A few of the people had heard of Jesus,… Read more →