September 8-14, 2024

We welcome you to worship with us. 

As you join us in our building for our services. We request that if you have any symptoms of illness you protect yourself and others by staying home until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours.

If you are unable to join us in person for the worship service, you can follow us on Facebook live. Just go to

Our Sunday Fellowship time begins at 9:00 a.m. 

Worship begins at 9:30 a.m.

Bible Hour for all ages 11:00

Our AWANA and Youth Group meets Sunday from 1:30-3:00. These ministries will meet again starting in September and continue through April with holiday breaks. 

We have Faith Connections on Wednesday evening at 6:30 when we gather a short Scripture study together in Psalms and then go into small groups for prayer. 

If you have ministry questions please contact our Administrative Assistant, Rochelle, at

All items for the bulletin must be received by Wednesday at noon to be included in this week’s bulletin.

AWANA & Youth Group Fall Kick-Off September 15th Plan to meet from 1:30-3:00 to grow in your understanding of God’s Word, how to apply it to your life, and growing in Christian Fellowship while having fun.

Baptism service on September 15th Please see Pastor Mark to be included in this step of obedience to  God.

Men of Faith September 21st 7:00 a.m. All men and young men are invited for breakfast, fellowship, Bible study and prayer.

Communion, Deacon Fund Collection, Bible Hour Fellowship September22nd   Please plan to participate and bring a finger food item to share for our fellowship time.

Ministry Leaders 2025 Budget Proposals Please begin praying and preparing your 2025 Budget Proposals. All budget requests or suggestions should be turned in by October 1st.  Please talk to the deacon managing that ministry.

Ladies of Faith Retreat October4-5th CLBC We will discuss Chapter 10 of Prescription for Forgiveness. “Reconciliation in the Church”.

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