We welcome you to worship with us.
As you join us in our building for our services. We request that if you have any symptoms of illness you protect yourself and others by staying home until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours.
If you are unable to join us in person for the worship service, you can follow us on Facebook live. Just go to www.facebook.com/faithbaptistrhinelander
Our Sunday Fellowship time begins at 9:00 a.m.
Worship begins at 9:30 a.m.
Bible Hour for all ages 11:00
Our AWANA and Youth Group meets Sunday from 1:30-3:00. These ministries will meet September 17, 2023 and continue through April of 2024. With holiday breaks.
We have Faith Connections on Wednesday evening at 6:30 when we gather a short Scripture study together in Proverbs and then go into small groups for prayer.
If you have ministry questions please contact our Administrative Assistant, Rochelle, at ministriesatfbc@gmail.com
All items for the bulletin must be received by Wednesday at noon to be included in this week’s bulletin.
Meeting for Worship Only Today and December 31stNo Bible Hour/AWANA/Youth Group
Wednesday, December 27thNo praise practice or Faith Connection.
Men of Faith December 30th 7:00 a.m. Plan to join the men for Breakfast and Bible Study.
First Ladies of Faith 2024 Study January 6th 9:00 a.m. A sample copy of the book is on the information center. “Forgiveness, A Prescription for Peace” by Juanita Purcell. See Mary Rhode for a copy.
January 7th Communion, Deacon Fund Collection, DeMarte Family Bible Hour Join us as we rejoice in our salvation and hear a live report from the DeMarte Family in France during the Bible Hour!
Meetings January 14th Business meeting at 11:00 a.m. to approve Annual Meeting Minutes, Vote on end of year Missions Giving and discuss $10,000 gift. Mandatory Building Cleaning Meeting to follow for all volunteers. Please contact Jeremy if you are unable to make this meeting. We are still seeking help for July and November.
“Winter Parking on the Street” We are welcome to use the school lot. Please use the odd or even side of the street that coordinates with the day for parking.
Directory Assistance Please confirm or correct your information in the proof copy. Thanks!